Sewing Class

The Sewing Units for 6th and 7th grade CCC include learning different types of hand-sewing stitches and in what situations or mediums can they use them in, how to safely operate a sewing machine, how to read and follow both written and verbal directions in order to complete a sewing project, and how to measure fractions of an inch.

We will follow the guidelines of The Matrix, however, here are some guidelines to follow in class in order to help you follow The Matrix.

Getting to Work!

Every day you should arrive to class on time and sit in your assigned seat immediately. If there are directions on the board, you should read them and begin working on the assignment. If not, take out your tote tray and sewing booklet, and sit quietly and wait for Mrs. Salter to begin the lesson for the day.

Being prepared for class!

Every day you should come to class prepared with a pen and a pencil, sewing booklet, sewing project, and Chromebook. Failure to do so will result in a misstep.

Every day you should come to class prepared with a pen and a pencil, sewing booklet, sewing project, and Chromebook. Failure to do so will result in a misstep.

Doing your homework/classwork!

All assignments will either be written on the board or posted on Google Classroom each week. Most assignments will be started and completed in class, but if it is not completed in class, may become homework. It is your responsibility to record your assignment on your chromebook, and to keep track of where you are at on your project or assignment. It is important that you stay on task and complete the steps to your sewing project on time in class. Otherwise, it is very easy to fall behind. Failure to stay on task in class will result in a misstep. Late sewing projects will have points taken off, and it will affect your SDL grade. Make sure to keep your materials organized in your tote tray so you know where everything is and can get to work right away.

When we watch videos in class, I expect you to watch the video and fill out the worksheet while we are watching the video. Getting the answers from your classmates afterward does not count!

When you are working on your sewing projects, clean up as you go. When working on the sewing machine, make sure it is put away properly and neatly.

Signing out!

If you need to leave class for any reason (locker, bathroom, drink), you must sign out completely on the clipboard, and take a pass with you. Return in a timely manner. Make sure to sign back in. Failure to do this may cost you the privilege of being able to leave class.

If you need to leave class for any reason (locker, bathroom, drink), you must sign out completely on the clipboard, and take a pass with you. Return in a timely manner. Make sure to sign back in. Failure to do this may cost you the privilege of being able to leave class.


Get to class ON TIME!!! Plan ahead (meaning you should have all of your things for all 3 Explos- you should NOT be going to your locker between Explos). A tardy will result in a misstep. REMEMBER: this class does not have a revolving door. Once you are in class, stay in class! Your stuff at your desk does not mean you are present!