7th Grade Expectations

Classroom Behavior

Students are expected to follow the Learner Qualities and the behaviors outlined in the London Middle School Handbook and the school-wide STEP it UP Matrix. Lessons and discussion about the matrix, which lists the expected behaviors, are conducted at the beginning of the year and revisited throughout the year.

Classwork and Homework

Students are asked to clearly identify their work indicating their name, homebase teacher, and date. Students will be informed of the due dates of their assignments should and are expected to turn in their work on time. It is recommended that students use an assignment notebook (paper or electronic) to record homework assignments and due dates. Additionally, students need to check their school email and Google classroom accounts at least once a day.


Students should keep their locker combination private and avoid sharing it with others. Students should not keep items belonging to other students in their lockers. Teachers will inform students of the appropriate times to visit their lockers.

Additional Assistance

Students will have opportunities to get extra help from the team teachers. There may be opportunities at lunch time or after school It is the student’s responsibility to set up a time to meet with the teacher for extra assistance.

Attendance and Absences from School/Class

Students are expected to arrive to class on time with all their materials. If a student is absent from class, it is the student’s responsibility to find out about missing assignments, and complete them in a timely manner. If a student is in attendance at school and will be missing class due to a performing music lesson, field trip or other reason, it is also their responsibility to turn in assignments that are due BEFORE the missed class period. Students have multiple resources to access the homework; additionally, it is recommended that the students find a buddy to help gather/deliver papers and assignments in the event of an absence.


Students are responsible for coming to class prepared, that includes bringing homework, books, pens and pencils, and other necessary required materials. Students are expected to bring their Chromebooks to school FULLY CHARGED with charger and earbuds every day.

T.R.I.P. (Time to Read in Peace)

Each student is expected to have a T.R.I.P. book with them at all times. Students will be asked to engage in silent reading during homebase time, COMM time, or block time.

Sign Out/Sign In

If a student needs to leave the classroom, they are expected to sigh out when they leave and sign in when they return. All required information on the sign out sheet needs to be completed. Students should always have a pass with them when they leave the classroom.

Group Work

Students will be asked at many times during the school year, in a variety of classes, to participate in group discussions, activities, and projects. During these times, it is expected that students will contribute positively and respectfully to the tasks at hand. Students will sometimes be asked to take on various group roles to complete the given task. Groups will be graded individually and/or collectively, depending on the assessment. If there is a situation that arises within a group, students ar expected to respectfully communicate their concerns to the teacher in a timely manner.


Please read through the JLMS student/parent handbook thoroughly. Students are expected to follow all of these handbook rules as well as the STEP it UP matrix at ALL school functions within the London community.