Chorus Expectations

Attendance: Once a student has joined chorus, he/she may not drop unless a parent or teacher suggests that it’s necessary. Students MUST attend EVERY rehearsal. Make-up work must be on non-chorus days. Any missed work is expected to be made-up for a grade.

Warm-ups: Warm-ups are important for increasing musicianship and to improve vocal technique, posture, breath support, and overall choral blend.

Concert Performances: Students are required to wear ALL CLASSY BLACK at formal concerts. This means a classy black dress or a classy black dress shirt with long black pants/skirt for girls. Boys can wear a white dress shirt with black dress pants. Black socks/nylons are necessary. Dress shoes can be any neutral color. Please see me if you have any questions about the concert dress code.

Consequences: Students earning low points for learner qualities (Self-Directed Learner, Collaborative Worker, Respectful Citizen, and Quality Producer) will be subject to the following: discussion, lunch detention, parent phone call, after school detention, being pulled from a song at the concert with grade lowered. This includes tardies, behavior, unexcused rehearsal/concert absences, etc.

Google Classroom Codes: 

  • 6th Grade Choir: j5l2o1
  • 7th/8th Grade Choir: 811gdr